Part 123: But, seriously, we can't just give up on them! Everyone's waiting!

-Strepitoso Fight-

Do snails really count as bugs? I don't think they have enough legs.

And then everything gets impeded. Yaaay.

Handy for all these beam attacks that have gotten so trendy lately.

-Wandering in the Darkness-

Miner Landan: Gehenna just...swallow me right now. It'll be quicker.

Miner Landan: Oh! Estelle! I was wondering if you'd come by. I think we still owe you from way back.

Miner Landan: Yeah, we have a problem. The elevator isn't working. The boss 'n everyone are stuck down there in the mines.

Miner Landan: That's right. We're all working on shoring the tunnels up after the cave-in. We got the framework back up, but we still need to take care of our 'rat problem.'

Miner Landan: Exactly. The boss dynamited them after you left to fill 'em in quick. Problem is, they're still dangerous if they lead to monster nests, especially digging ones. We talked it over and decided we needed to seal them up proper.

Miner Landan: Well, don't get me wrong, I'd love for you to do that, but we got one little problem. There's no way to actually get down there! This elevator shaft is the only way down and that elevator ain't going anywhere.

Miner Landan: Of course not! We'd have used it to get the boss and everyone out by now otherwise.

Miner Landan: I know we don't have much to go on, but if you have any ideas, could you give them a shot? I'm sure everyone's waiting to be rescued.

Miner Landan: Huh? Uh, yeah, it should be.

Estelle handed Joshua her Zero Field Generator.

If we use the device that lets orbments run in the suspension field...then maybe we can run this orbment, even in the suspension field! It's just crazy enough to work!
Joshua placed the Zero Field Generator onto the control stand.

Miner Landan: WHAT in tarnation!

Miner Landan: It stopped...

Miner Landan: I'll come too!


Miner Landan: Where are the guys? You think we might be overreacti--Huh?

Miner Landan: Yeah, someone's coming! Heeey, I recognize him! That's Trent! Yo, Trent! What're you doin' over there, you lazy...

Miner Trent: B-Behind...
Miner Landan: Eh?

-Strepitoso Fight-

As per Schera's oh-so-subtle hint, these crabs are resistant to weaponry.

Care for some Screamed crab on toast?
-Wandering in the Darkness-

Miner Landan: H-Hey, bracers...
Miner Trent: Is it okay to come out? Please?

Miner Trent: Thanks to you guys, I get to live to enjoy another meal!
Miner Landan: You idiot! This isn't the time for that! First things first. Where's the boss and the rest of the boys?

Miner Trent: Uh...Yeah, kinda. So we were working when suddenly the lights we use to chase away the monsters cut out. Wasn't much we could do, so we put the job aside and came here to wait. And then this morning, a huge swarm of monsters flooded out of the dig site! Gaa-aaah...I thought we were monster food for sure!

Miner Trent: Y-Yeah, there was...He bought some time for us to get away. But...But the last we saw of him, he was being swallowed up by the horde of monsters...

Miner Trent: I...I got so hungry I made a break for it, but...I think the boss and everyone else are still hiding somewhere.

Miner Landan: There should be four others. Five if you count the bracer guy.

Miner Trent: G-Good luck!

Miner Bones: What am I supposed to do all alone like this?


-Strepitoso Fight-

This fight starts with a civilian NPC in a bad position, but it's not hard to keep him safe.

-Wandering in the Darkness-

Miner Bones: Haah, hooh...Man, oh, man...I thought I was dead for sure.

Miner Bones: I knew it, it's you guys! You guys saved us from that cave-in!

Miner Bones: So you guys are full bracers now, huh? Lookin' at you now, yeah, you've got that same kinda posture that Scherazard has.

Miner Bones: Yeah, good point. I'm guessing you guys found a way down here?

Miner Bones: Right, got it. You guys be careful down here, too. This place is crawling!

Miner Heinrich: (SHH! Keep quiet! Quit muttering like that. The monsters will hear you!)
Miner Pierre: Hmph! In the last cave-in it was surely the grace of the Goddess which saved us. A little faith wouldn't hurt you in a situation like this, Heinrich.

Miner Heinrich: No, we're fine, somehow.
Miner Pierre: Oh, Aidios, thank you for this salvation...

Miner Pierre: Goddess' mercy!

-Strepitoso Fight-

Much easier odds this time.

-Wandering in the Darkness-

Miner Heinrich: Gwaaaaaaah...Ohh, sweet Aidios!
Miner Pierre: I was sweating bullets there...

Miner Heinrich: R-Right! Thanks!
Miner Pierre: Aidios' grace be with you, heroes!

Mine Chief Gaton: Well, it was a good plan, up to 'get all the monsters to chase me here'...Aw, hell...Looks like I might've overdone it again. Anya, Frissa...I'm sorry...I guess I won't be coming home.

-Strepitoso Fight-

Oh no you don't, you cheating little crab bastards.

-Wandering in the Darkness-

Estelle blinked and missed the whole thing.

Mine Chief Gaton: Yeah...Just scratches, is all. Man, they really must teach you guys to have perfect timing at Bracer School or something. Wish you could stop by when we're not in the middle of a damned crisis!

Mine Chief Gaton: Ah, right.

Mine Chief Gaton: Right, I'll do that.

Mine Chief Gaton: That other bracer who came to run guard duty for us...Have you found him already?

Mine Chief Gaton: I was afraid of that. If you haven't seen him, head to the construction site. We last saw Ridge trying to buy us some time there.

Mine Chief Gaton: That bracer might still be around here. He was doing just about all he could to give us enough time to escape. Sure hope he's safe...
Miner Landan: I'm glad everyone's safe! I hope you find that other bracer soon, too.
Miner Bones: *pant* *pant* Th-That sure was scary...
Miner Trent: H-Hurry up and find everyone! I want out of here! *shudder*
Miner Pierre: Sweet Aidios, please save Your children! *mutter* *mumble*
Miner Heinrich: Pierre's praying again, I see. *sigh* I'm so sick of it that I can't even be bothered to complain anymore!

Put on some Faint and Blind defense before you proceed here.

-Creeping Crisis-

Ridge: What're you...doin' here...?

Ridge: I get careful...They don't just...


-Fight With Assailant-

This battle has STR+50% and HP+50% bonuses in play. I recommend not letting any of those go to the giant enemy crab with 28000 HP.

They're coming out of the walls! They're coming out of the god damn walls!

Giga Crash is the Fainting move.

Schera's Judgment Card has a random face, and inflicts a random ailment on its targets. That doesn't matter much here, unfortunately.

Oh also the Hydra can just cancel the damage from your last S-Break when it feels like it. So that's cool.

Hooray for Strike quartz.

hey what's this now

-Wandering in the Darkness-